Golfing II... grilling and killing stuff...
Pas de crème solaire au Kazakhstan (??!!??)
Un golfeur dans un enclos avec des moutons bruns* qui font, comme on dit "partie intégrante du parcours"...
Chris K, l'arme du crime, la victime et les débris...
Le repos des braves...
Famous quotes of the day:
After a miraculous shot: "Tonight, you would deserve a real nice bj" CK
PC on the green 5 yards from the pin to CK lost in the woods: "I would have to three putt that for you to tie the hole"
CK: "Three putts? Two putts!"
PC: "You know, if I introduced you to the girls as my cousin from Kazakhstan who can't speak any known language, they would miss out on a funny dude"
Fun fact: The story ended thusly: PC three putted, CK didn't find his ball and OM tied the hole...
Voilà, P
PS: Entendu vendredi par notre partenaire de jeu allemand sur un thème mentionné récemment: Die SaisonGGG hat erst begonnen!
* Si si tout en haut à gauche de la photo
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