
Work hard, Play hard... et un peu de déconne!

Quand il n'est pas occupé par son herbier, le petit P sème des pierres blanches dans la forêt... Adepte de vieilles séries policères allemandes, il n'est pas peu commun de le trouver en train de manger la choucroûte devant la télé!

28 novembre 2006

Happy end - Safe landings...

7 jours à NYC, 2 à SFO, 5 à Hawaï - cool, 'ppreciate!
Vol de HNL dimanche soir 23h59, arrivée à ZRH mardi matin 7h50. Le tout safe - 'ppreciate!

Voici donc mon programme pour ceux que cela intéresse:
- Ce soir, très probablement étape de repos. Je sais que Laure est de retour et j'essaierai de passer dire bonjour...
- Demain, il faudra voir... Je ne planifie encore rien!
- Jeudi, énorme bombe. Luciano is in town, je vous attends nombreux!
- Vendredi: Départ pour le week-end à Zermatt...

Bref, bref... Il me faut aller me doucher désormais pour un meeting à 11:00. Bonne matinée à tous!!!
Ciao, P

PS: Les quelques citations qui m'ont marqué ces dernier jours...

Every composer knows the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one had no time to write down. - Hector Berlioz
I took up reading again and I feel I think about so much stuff while reading that I can't really write down or develop every thought to a meaningful end... Also applies to sporting and going out with Adrien, where the word "bloggable" was second only to "'ppreciate" (more on that in another article)

No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one. - Elbert Hubbard
How I feel right now

Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both. - John Andrew Holmes
French people I met while on the North Shore in Hawaïi

Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations. - Orson Welles
People in the US, fancying to be very knowledgeable about a subject, without really understanding its context... Also partially applies to me though!

You can only be young once. But you can always be immature. - Dave Barry
WOW! Adrien, Mark, Marc, David, Luciano, Christophe, Blaise... Also particularily applying to me though!