Ultimate consulting kick? Or kick in the nuts?
I am in Vienna... On a somewhat short notice! But let me tell you the tale of a consulting day abroad. To some, the ultimate consulting kick, to me right now much more of a pain...
So I just cancelled a few lunches, angry girls, sorry sorry sorry!
Then I got to wake up very early this morning and ...
.. .meet a colleage flying to Milano in order to get to Lugano
"I'm just as fast as with the train"
... greet a fellow consultant of another firm happy to get two flights for his Monday program
"I connect in Vienna towards Romania. Just got to love the lifestyle"
.. found myself next to some transcended colleague in the plane enjoying every second of it...
"I'll have another glass of orange juice... God I love this!"
"Big fat whatever..." I'm just thinking of my much needed sleep!

A day of work in the Vienna office later, I am in my hotel room: Radisson SAS Style ( high-class SAS)
C'est moi ce soir qui fait le premier pas, on s'ennuyait un peu mon coeur et moi. Je reviens près de toi...
"Oh look the same soaps as at the Park Hyatt in Milano and the same Villeroy & Boch sinks as in my favorite restaurant in Luxembourg..."
No soap cup though, I guess I'll have to put in down on the back of a glass?
Is there a million dollar "customer discovery" project waiting to be sold, where the output would just be to convince the hotel director to sleep in his hotel just once?
At least the room's colors match my stuff. This for some reason makes me happy for a second...
... The minibar is on the house, or on hte company, or on the client... I don't really know.
I pop a bottle of sparkling and fire up the laptop, there's some more work to do. And networking or blogging or somesuch...
On tv, ARTE proves that leftists also get their share of nakedness, only not in club of any kind (too expensive), but in the sleazy outfits conceived by some "artistic genius": i.e. quasi-naked like in this piece Eldorado ARTE runs right now... I shortly hesitate to settle on Canale5: Indecent proposal in italian! But then I end up on an italian music festival... I.e. beautiful ladies aplenty and no need for sound... I cut the noise and listen to my newest fad instead. Bliss!
Je sais...
En amour, il faut toujours un perdant...
Thank you Julio!
As for me, back to work, I still have an hour of it...
The ultimate kick? The perks they hold us with? A kick in the nuts I'd rather say...
Signing off,
Libellés : Lifepic