
Work hard, Play hard... et un peu de déconne!

Quand il n'est pas occupé par son herbier, le petit P sème des pierres blanches dans la forêt... Adepte de vieilles séries policères allemandes, il n'est pas peu commun de le trouver en train de manger la choucroûte devant la télé!

31 janvier 2007

Just a complaint!

Je suis encore dans le procédé de me poser trois questions:

  • Est-ce que mes lecteurs ont compris qu'il fallait cliquer sur les albums picasa pour voir toutes les photos?
  • Est-ce que mes amis skybloggeurs et -geuses que je respecte par ailleurs beaucoup sont vraiment bouchés?
  • Est-ce que mes amis skybloggeurs et -geuses que je respecte par ailleurs beaucoup vont bientôt comprendre que je les aime bien, mais que j'aime tellement leur skyblog que cela me coûte entre 3 et 10 heures par semaine d'aller cliquer 1'289 fois sur leurs skblogs respectifs? Ce qui me cause des troubles de manque de sommeil! Alors que s'ils avaient picasa tout le monde économiserait du temps!!!!!!!!!

En regardant leurs skyblogs, je trouve qu'ils perdent en moyenne 2-4 minutes par photo uploadée... Et qu'ils doivent re-cliquer à chaque photo!

Bref... Je présente mes excuses pour cet éclat auprès des bloggeurs et -geuses concernés, mais sachant que c'est souvent la frustration qui provoque l'énervement, comprenez que cette diatribe est plutôt un compliment qu'autre chose!


PS: Merci Reb!

* je ne leur demande pas d'avoir un blog d'adulte... Faut pas déconner!

30 janvier 2007

Just some hot stuff for the day...

Il fallait simplement que je vous fasse parvenir le nouveau hot stuff question série drôle sur CBS

Beaucoup plus là!, dont selon moi le meilleur

Et puisqu'il ne faut pas se prendre au sérieux...

Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter
can be said to remedy anything.
- Kurt Vonnegut

Voilà dix jours de logs google... 13-23 janvier 2007
(stewardesse jobs) (tournante hard) (boite pink paradis 75)(deconne sexe)(mms tele hard)(la quarantaine hard)(mamilanji londres)(tournante hard)(qui chante work)(les gens hard)(adrien bron bain)(bacs zermatt photo)(pman blog patrice)(soiree entre copine hard)(chez lola bruxelles rest)(deconne)(fontaine au chocolat bruxelle)(skyblog mignonne des herbier)(comment etre heureux?)(pps j'aime ma petite soeur)(quel sont les disco a schaffhouse)(garage saab en suede)(parole de la chanson je ne pense qu'a toi de mck)(etre un salaud avec les femmes)(m109 kawest)(cartes d'identités de la loutres)(suedoises drague)(chat avec salopes du valais)(coreenne hard)(patrice, p-manzh)(loding shoes)(pink paradise youtube)(soiree alcoolisee)(le pire du hard)(pps fille bourré)(salon du hard barcelone)(valzer bar zürich)(femme bodybuildé hard)(bel homme musclé maillot mouillé)(soirés à ibiza sexistes)(blog les plus hard)(tournante hard)(surf deconne)(baiser a la sortie du bureau)(devenir moins timide)(o rage, o désespoir, o vieillesse ennemie)(new year verbier 2007 photo)(hard culturisme)(d'où vient les apple crumble)(maman en manque hard)(baise hard de mere par leur enfant)(skyblog geneva hold'em)(anecdote amusante)(femmes hard 60)(mike wallace play hard work hard)(valzer bar)(bien faire les appui faciaux)(budapest soirée drague)(bonne journée animation shrek carte)(maslov pyramide)(deconne)(strip deconne comedie)

See you soon!

29 janvier 2007

Morgins - les photos


Libellés :

Random stuff... Lots of links!

My Mr. Bean moments

Lately I have been having Mr. Bean moments. And noticing more and more when this happens.

What's in a Mr. Bean moment? There are specific ingredients to a Mr. Bean moment:
- A stupid quirk* instead of being cool
- Stretching it and trying to do 15 different things at the same time instead of, well, playing it cool
- Some obsessive compulsive component instead of, say, coolness. Think trying not be dirty or trying to do something as "you" prepared it!
- Being cheap instead of, yet again, playing it cool
- Having a long foreseeable plot, yet driving in the direction instead of ... you know... playing it cool!

Think a drop of Sweet and Sour dip running along a chicken nugget while you handle a complicated traffic situation involving many a gear shift with a box of chicken nuggets on your lap, the sauce in your left hand, the one hand kind of steering the wheel by the way. Let me explain: At the same time you have a McDonald napkin in your mouth, on the side of this particular napkin - of course you asked the lady for extra napkins - you have taken the care to put a bit of sparkling water from the bottle... time and again your nugget eating right hand will try to wipe all grease from its fingertips on the napkin, as it is the eating hand getting greasy from each nugget, well the two fingers you use for that task at least.

Right there, you are in a Mr. Bean moment because
- you have to shift gears NOW
- this very action if supposed to be taken care of by the palm of your right hand
- the thumb and the index of said hand are busy trying to fit one of those O shaped nuggets in the miniature bucket of sweet & sour you only approximately open earlier using your mouth and left (a.k.a. driving) hand
- by the time you get the nugget out, your engine threatens to choke, the dip to spill, the napkin you're biting on to stain your pullover, the nugget basket to capsize, the aargauer in front of you to break without warning...

But it would all be okay, you would have it all worked out if it weren't for the drop running on your little fried victim. So you have to do the only sensible thing in this split second:
- you quickly pull back the nugget/shifting hand
- put the nugget dip side out on the napkin in your mouth without biting
- you slightly tilt your head backwards to prevent the drop from hitting anything
- press the clutch, shift the gear, press the gas
- retrieve the napking with your right hand all the while wiping clean the grease from your fingertips at the wet place on the napkin
- rotate the nugget in your mouth 180°
- take a bite of the nugget while holding the rest of it between your lips
- fold the napkin between ring finger and little finger of your right hand
- grab the half nugget, dip again, shake the drop of your now bitesize chicken and breathe a sigh of relief after swalloing it...

You still have three nuggets to go!!!

Well after my last Mr Bean moment, I swore two things:
- Never again a Mr. Bean moment if I can help it
- Never again Sweet and Sour sauce, it's disgusting...

The hot stuff right now

On a lighter and less gory note, I thought the esteemed readers of this blog might want to know that a cutting edge drinking team is always there to provide them with the right info... You already knew the Valzer was the "place to be" in ZH.

Well if you are going to talk the talk and walk the walk, you might as well drink the drink**: And right now the drink is The Cucumber Savoury Martini with Hendrick's Gin of course
Don't tell anyone, although the receipt is not guarded:
1 ½ oz. Hendrick's Gin
¾ oz. Dry Vermouth***
served on the rocks with a slice of cucumber... how fancy!

Ce week-end: Merci, bravo et bon voyage

Merci à Vincent pour ce week-end à la montagne! Joyeux séjour à Mexico (prononcer Méhhhhhico)
Joyeux anniversaire à nouveau à Daphné...
Victo, Rebecca, Sophie, Patrick, Anto, François, Judith, Alexander, Claire, Yannick, Déborah et last but not leasts Vince et Mick... A hell of a gang!

Les photos, of course, suivent! Y compris, au moins, , et ... Mais comme j'ai les photos d'Alexander, de Reb et les miennes, je pense pourvoir proposer du très bon...

Vous les femmes


Cheers, P

* Quirk = Manie = Macke
** Especially if a couple of your female friends have already told you something along those lines:
"you are really not as boring as I thought you were as I first was introduced to you. But then again you were sober then..." Always pleasant!
*** Although Charlotte recommends a fancy Lillet Blanc, the author prefers very dry bitters, and will be seen indulging a Noilly Prat or even a lowly Martini extra dry...

26 janvier 2007

Mal de crâne...

Hier soir, concert de +44... Pas mal!

Puis retour au boulot pour 25 minutes de check d'un document, après la reception entre autre de ce mms "Wirst verm. wieder gebraucht..."

Puis, Kauf, puis Valmann, puis Valzer...


Puis je suis fatigué ce matin, voilà! La soirée était surtout bien grâce à Sandro, au principe de Bernouilli* (dis-moi comment vole au sauteur à ski!), aux statistiques (mais comment ils font pour savoir que les personnes d'un téléphérique ne pèsent pas plus que le poids limite?), aux théories des complots (je vais prendre le 11 septembre pour 800) et à l'inénarrable histoire des JO de Turin (le croirez-vous mais Sandro y étais?)...

Désolé pour tout ce name dropping et ces insiders... Mais pense bien, toi qui me lis, qu'une fois c'était toi la star de l'article! Sacré Sandro...


* Daniel et non Johann son père

PS: Petit hommage à qui de droit. Voici donc le Danke Schön du jour: Merci GB!
"The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and all time."
- George Bernard Shaw

24 janvier 2007

I dress up and it snows...

Cher Dieu, ou Saint-Pierre, ou Allah, ou whatever*,

Ce matin, j'ai décidé de me mettre un beau costard... Pour faire une impression un peu sérieuse au bureau!

Pas vraiment, en fait c'était pour impressionner les filles du bureau...

Enfin bref, whatever...

Et je sors de la maison pour trouver qu'il neige à gros flocons!

Merci mon dieu pour cette plaisanterie: J'espère qu'au moins ça t'a fait marrer toi... Parce que moi pas trop!

Sinon, pour ce week-end c'est impeccable quand même. Donc au final thanks...

Ton dévoué,

* C'est quand même très arrangeant d'être agnostique...

PS: Thank you, Bruederli für die cheers from oz... And for the insanely funny links in the shoutbox! The one on the bottom is really really good!

22 janvier 2007

Feeling old and blazé, yet somehow getting excited...

... like a young teenage boy after dreaming of Erika Eleniak*!

Yes sometimes I feel "old" that way! That kind of way of being old that is on the brink of thinking Linux is some powerful cleaning product for your washrooms**...

That's why I read David's blog***: It keeps me somewhat afloat about the tech stuff that might get past me. Regularly something good will come out of it. I'll give him that credit...

This time it was a post simply refering**** to a nytimes article

The article presents little stuff that you can embed in your blog.

Amazing says the nerdy part of my brain

Where are the naked women? says the part that can actually think and prioritize

Apparently they are called widgets and there is always a danger your blog will be overloaded with them*****. I have added one though, that I deemed necessary: Clustrmaps. Now you can see it on the right hand side of my blog... Soon you'll be able to see where my visitors come from. So because I'm censored in China again, I'll only be able to monitor T.H. v/o F in Sydney and ND in Moscow so far, but that'll be fun nonetheless...


You're not as excited as I am apparently...

Okay! I swear the next one I put up will be extracts from my picasa collection...

Happy now?

Have yourself a very nice day then,

* If you have had to click the link, then you might really be younger than I am. Or a girl... And yes, we thought that these hairdos were sexy back in the very early 90's... I even used to like really big breasts... Hmmm... Yeah... So what?
** Hint: It's not!
*** Not my friend David "the Dude" R, but my friend David "Chübel" N. The Dude himself kinda chooses to spend his free time on having a gf. David N and I don't have that kind of concerns so we have a blog, oh well...
**** Where Plazes is mentionned. You think I didn't see through your game Chübel?
***** Like my friend David N's blog for example ;)

Cutting Edge III - the works

Those last three days were incredible...

I am NOT going to attempt a description, but we had an incredible time although almost half of what was planned had to be cancelled due to high temperatures and/or bad weather: Skeleton on the Cresta Run, nightly ski after a fondue on the mountain...

So that left us with a game of hockey, good skiing, some amazing but not primitve après-ski, a nightly trip on horse carriages to go have fondue in some secluded insider spot! And the obligate Caipirinha sessions. I love the people working for this company as they truly make for (a) great company*...

I fully intended not to be reachable, so I didn't check my mail nor switched on my phone during our entire stay in St Moritz possibly enjoying it even more as a result of that!

I recommend those pics even to those who don't know the people as there are a couple really bad pictures of me that I had the honesty to leave in as well as a couple pictures of funny t-shirts...

Next up: Morgins and then Verbier!
See ya there or sooner even...

* Yes I already regret this pitiful pun!

17 janvier 2007

Sites amusants...

Dédié à Phil C. du bureau, qui vient d'annoncer sa démission et qui avait besoin de quelques sites drôles à visiter: Quelques sites à découvrir...


encore txt2pic

Sloganizer : Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Marc...
generiert von Sloganizer

Ou encore la culture pub japonaise et asiatique prise en défaut de deux façons différentes
- Un site où les stars ricaines se ridiculisent hors des US
- Un site avec les petites erreurs d'anglais qui vous feront rire

Puisqu'un truc humoristique ne serait pas complet sans une vidéo amusante, voilà une de mes préférées, que j'avais découverte à l'époque sur iFilm... (iFilm, c'est les gars qui avaient un an d'avance sur youtube, mais n'ont pas compris qu'il fallait laisser participer les gens! Petite erreur de détails à 1.65 bn USD...)

Et sinon, il y a toujours qui me fait suer pour trouver un appart pour remplacer la Seehüsli... As they say "The little things that get you through the day"!

Voilà, P

15 janvier 2007

Paris - the rest...

Paris the rest was made up of mostly walking, shopping and brunching. What's not to like...

J'ai même finalement pris en photo un truc sur Rivoli qui me faisait marrer depuis bien longtemps:

Bref, comme dirait notre ami Kazakh: I liiiiiiiike!

14 janvier 2007

Addendum feat. l'ambiance...

As soon as Youtube enables it...
Ciao, P

Paris Nightlife: More or less a state of mind...

Some say it's more or less a state of mind... Marc L. and I will tell you, it's a Colette accessoire:

I'll only tell that I met Julie (in the kitchen? Yeah, where else?)

At a fun party

Oh yeah, not only Daphné and Antonin (and try as I might, he looks good on every single picture, the savage bastard... grrr...) had fun... So I'll let the pics do the talking: Fun, a Timothy Dalton look-alike and coming home very late... Well!


11 janvier 2007

I'm off to Paris...

Je pars dans un instant pour un week-end à Paris...

Comm disait Sandra qui doit bien avoir 250 jours de plus que moi
"You're young, you should relish it, while you still can. You're single, right?"


Here something really brilliant!

Ciao and have a nice week-end, too...

* I'm in the FB...

The age guessing game...

Have you ever played the childish game of age guessing. When someone asks you just reply

"What do you think?"

Long time, I have been doing this in a vane effort for the people to acknowledge me as a human being instead of a kid, i.e. what I used to look like. I would drive home the point that I wasn't 14 but 18, 21 rather than 17... You name it, just substract between two and five years and you should be about there.
What would that do? I would come out as a young-looking smartass with an obvious lack of self-esteem and desperately looking for recognition...

Yes! I know...

It's harsh!

But as I grew somewhat more confident - I can know talk in public, although walking up to a random girl is still out of the question - I learnt the many useful informations you can get out of it and now I really do enjoy it. And I even enjoyed some success in the guessing game* myself as the invariable reply would be

"And me? What do you guess?"

Although I got an age ten years off recently, but what is 22%?** But I digress wildly...

So there I was going from desperately looking for recognition to mildy confident, I found out one thing that can be deemed useful in the all-important ballet of men and women. Let me tell you a little story, the setting is BCG Christmas diner 2004. The table is some random male and female young consultantlings, 5 and 2 respectively to be exact, a secretary and her boyfriend***. I am sitting near a rather chubby female consultant also know as AK****, she had been a consultant for Accenture for four years before entering BCG. She joined in 2004 a couple of month after I did, hence a couple of months before this story happens. At some point, someone points out I am the youngest employee***** and she reacts with a loud voice making us the only conversation at the table:

- What? How old are you?
- Guess
- I don't know 27
- Hmm no
- Yes!
- Hmmmm... 25
- Nope...
- 24?????
- Yes...
- Ok and me?
- 29
- How'd you know?
- Well, let's just say I'm good at that*
I begin laughing silently... everyone watches me and she's startled!
- What?
- It's just... That I have a theory about age guessing...
- And? What does it say?
- Oh I can't tell it now...

Of course I ended up yelding to popular pressure, which built up the thing a lot... All the time I would be saying "it's not such a big deal, but it's 100% true"

- It's just that people guess closer to their age if they are sexually interested to heir counterparts... and away if not!

Awkward silence

Me blinking to her and faking a kiss towards her

- But I'm sure you're not sexually interested in me...


This story aside: I really swear by this rule even if this case was special and probably an exception due to the fact that she had a positive prejudice because of our working for the same firm.

So next time you are asked for your age, please take a second, think about it and reply with a big smile:

How about you take a wild guess?

It might indicate if you should go for it or not...

Ciao, P

* Attire, behaviour, wrinkles on the face and wrinkles on the hands are the additional clues to what any girls says. That being said surprisingly few girls remember having said that they had been working for a year at some firm after completing their studies when the question comes and they are baffled to think you found out their age by yourself, but that's another story altogether...
** I'll take stupid math problems for 500
*** Those two insured we avoided talking about work, so bless their presence...
**** not AKL (for Marc who actually knows the people there)
***** which by then was not true anymore, but let's continue!

Libellés :

10 janvier 2007

Mon week-end en photos...

D'abord les termes techniques:
  • Gagner le Friday Night Magic (FNM) vendredi soir contre des gens qui y sont régulièrement - bien

  • Aller boire un verre avec Susan après - très bien

  • Me faire putzer au tournois de qualification pour le Pro Tour de Yokohama (PTQ) samedi et dimanche - pas bien

  • Détruire les nains au poker après - priceless

  • Puis les photos: Les joueurs ne sont pas très beaux (Zack A. et Nico)

    Le jeu est compliqué, sur l'image Chris F. réfléchit à une solution contre l'aggression de Matt "swiss superstar" K.

    Et on finit les tournois par jouer au poker (Adrian V. all-in contre Léo B.)

    Ses pocket nines ne feront (peu étonnant) pas le poids contre le Q 10 suited de Léo...

    Enfin, au moins cela contribue à combler le Röstigraben...
    Bonne journée, P

    09 janvier 2007


    C'est le stress au boulot... Et en plus je suis ma propre agence de voyage, sans carte de crédit (bloquée pour cause d'oubli au Valmann!)...

    Donc demain matin, je dois booker:
    - Berlin ou Paris pour ce week-end
    - Berlin le cas échéant pour dans deux week-end
    - Nice pour Pâques
    - Moscou pour mars
    - Le concert de +44 pour le 25 janvier


    C'est le stress, mais je prie pour que nous vendions ce projet à Genève!
    Ciao, P

    *** Addendum: Je pète les plombs... Heureusement qu'il y a Adrien pour m'envoyer des bonnes nouvelles: This just in

    PS: Les photos de Magic et du Texas Hold'em de ce week-end suivent...

    04 janvier 2007

    There's a new year's resolution I need your help for...

    I once told you polls were coming... You can choose multiple answers!

    Thanks, P

    Libellés :

    01 janvier 2007

    Photos - Verbier et Noël...

    Voilà donc les liens convoités des photos de la fête de nouvel an...

    ... et de Verbier!

    Bonne nuit!

    Libellés :

    Take a walk on the geeky side...


    Your results:

    You are Spider-Man - 90%

    The Flash - 80%

    Iron Man - 75%

    Hulk - 60%

    Green Lantern - 60%

    Robin - 58%

    Superman - 55%

    Supergirl - 48%

    Wonder Woman - 48%

    Batman - 20%

    Catwoman - 15%

    You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility.

    Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz