It's all about that real true deep intimacy...
It's not about the sex, it's about the initmacy that sex allows two people to establish between each other!
And ask yourself now: How do things start?
I have been repeating this for a long time now...
Among the five levels of possible man-woman interaction:
1 - Chit-chat/Small-talk
2 - Actual conversations
3 - Confidence and secret sharing
4 - Intimate confidence and familiarness *
5 - Sex
The fourth is the most important...
The hick is: It doesn't come from confidence and secret sharing. It comes from sex... Wild animal dirty out-there sex!
Why is it the most important?
- Because (except in teenage years) noone has really ever been in love before having had sex. And somehow there's only ever sex where a girl is fascinated with a man or just wants sex for various reasons... None of those reasons is because she's already in love with the guy!
- Because it's the feeling you are left with when you stop sweating...
- Because it's the feeling you feel when you sit next to someone at a table, instead of being bored being cousin Alfred recounting his army stories!
- Because it's the feeling that makes you feel "this is my man" / "this is my woman", where somewhere in level 3 you were at best thinking "I admire this individual" or "this is an ideal parent to my children / a safe solution for my future"
- Because it's this vibration people call love, creating longing over oceans... Creating (oh my god) long-distance relationships...
Are there examples why this could be the most important?
- Beaten wives still loving their husbands?
- Suspicious wives/gfs not even feeling like hugs anymore?
- Nymphomaniacs sleeping with anyone for an hour of that feeling... Then feeling disgusted as he puts his clothes on and leaves...
- Women helplessly in love with a bastard playboy they had sex with and who then took them in their arms even a fraction of a minute...
Notice how this is all connected to the physical act of sex?
It's all normal...
That's what sexually successful men understand intuitively, even though it's really not about one-night stands:
To get and keep a girl: Shag first, ask questions later
Sad, but true...
But think about "intimate confidence and familiarness"...
* Familiarness ---> not to be confounded with familiarity
PS: Fro reference this is excellent: Thank you Bull Durham! I believe... you are on point in a weird and kind of baseball heavy way...
Libellés : La vie etc...